A Reductive Massage is a therapeutic massage is performed with high pressure and at a faster rate compared to other massage therapies. The use of these procedures heat is created in areas with high concentrations of fat in combination with special hand movements that help the body to dissolve fat naturally. Reductive massage seeks to eliminate localized fat accumulation and simultaneously draw a more accurate figure, in obtaining a much more aesthetic process. This treatment is ideal for getting rid of unwanted localized fat. reducing not only the massage therapy to reduce body fat, but also helps to increase blood flow and helps the metabolism of a person to absorb fat and increase calorie intake.
Massage techniques are used are:
Kneading, pinching, rubbing
Massage reducing a person can reduce up to 4 inches or 10 cm in 5 sessions.
Sessions can last 01: 00-1: 30 includes the steaming time.
Benefits of Massage
reducing massage
100% natural, without injections or surgery, and no !!!! increased rebound.